In Stillness and Movement

2023 Group Exhibition

Words by Debbie Pryor

An exploration into the duality of connectivity. The art of making is to communicate, to connect the inner and outer worlds. 

In stillness and movement investigates the action of creating artwork as a way of connecting with others and with oneself. Connectivity may lie in the design of an object, from the form and function of a cup in the hand, to the exploration of materiality, or the human relationship with the natural world.

Duality also lies in the materials we use, the transformation from soft, malleable clay to rigid, impenetrable objects rich in narrative and intent. 

An artwork can at once be still and spark motion.

Artist Statement

This is my first foray into this style of making. Brought about by a period of stagnation, I was seeking a different way of working that would allow me to explore personal expression in a quick and intuitive way. My early pieces were made with little planning. I made cuts into flat slabs without forethought for the forms that were being created. A method of lifting, arranging, and adjusting allowed me to explore the interplay of layered angles and silhouettes.

These pieces are a personal expression of energy. I live with an autoimmune disease that can at times paralyse me with anxiety, I am physically halted while my mind is held in unrest. The antidote is to seek out physical movement that is joyous - dancing, riding my bike, working with clay. The action of expressive physical movement allows my mind to settle into stillness.